Join the LACT Program Waitlist TODAY!
Submit your application form, payment application fee, and join the Waitlist to be notified of course state date, which is tentatively February 2025.

The New LACT Program

An all new way to learn via an asynchronous program. Do your addiction counselor training at your own pace and on your own time.

Moodle for LACT

Moodle is a free and open-source learning system used for blended learning and distance education. Moodle is the platform that the LACT Program will use moving forward to distribute learning material such as pre-recorded lecture videos and supplemental learning material such as quizzes and short answer forums in order to earn 180 hours of substance abuse specific courses.

Asynchronous learning refers to courses where students access course materials—lectures, readings, and assignments—on their own time. Learning, in other words, takes place at all different times for students enrolled in a course, because there's no set class time. There will be no more dedicated dates to live zoom sessions.

LACT Program Structure and Fees

Addiction professionals in Louisiana are regulated by the Addictive Disorder Regulatory Authority (ADRA), which is a state agency headquartered in Baton Rouge. Below is a brief summary of the credentialing process. For more detail you can visit the ADRA's website or download a detailed description document of the process.

There are three levels of Addiction Counselor credentials, depending upon your current educational level. All three levels require completion of both educational and work experience hours. Candidates for credentialing must submit an application to the ADRA verifying completion of these requirements. When the application is approved, candidates are scheduled for testing. Once the test is passed, the appropriate credential is issued. 
These are the three levels of credentials:
Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC)
Certified Addiction Counselor (CAC)Registered Addiction Counselor (RAC)

The entry status for all levels is Counselor in Training (CIT). A CIT applicant must have completed the required 180 hours of substance abuse specific education, have a high school diploma or GED, and have a job in the addiction field working under the supervision of a Certified Clinical Supervisor (CCS). CIT status must be renewed annually and can be held for a maximum of 72 months. The education requirement for credentialing at every level is 300 hours in addiction studies, of which 180 hours must be specific to substance abuse. LASACT operates a school called the Louisiana Addiction Counselor Training (LACT) Program to provide these 180 hours.

LACT courses are open to all individuals interested in learning more about addiction. Many students are interested in becoming Professional Addiction Counselors. Allied health professionals such as social workers, nurses, marriage and family therapists, and other helping professionals often benefit substantially from developing specialized skills in addiction work to better assist their clients, as well as to earn credits for a Specialty Certificate in Addiction.

A commitment to become a full-time Addiction Professional is not necessary for course enrollment, but a strong desire to study the addiction field is essential. Although a high school or college degree is not required, students should have basic writing, reading, and verbal skills in order to get the maximum benefit from the program.
LACT Enrollment Form


Students are required to pay the Application fee of $185 which includes LASACT Membership through the end of 2024. The Application Fee must be paid upon submitting enrollment forms. LACT Tuition of $1,200 is waived for all students due to funding from the Office of Behavioral Health. No further action is required from students to accept their tuition wavier, but students are responsible for fulfilling their application fee.

To make a payment, visit the LASACT Online Payment Portal.


All future students must complete and submit the LACT Application form. The application consist of 4 sections that are mandatory to fill out. If questions on the form are submitted blank, the form will be rejected.

Submit your forms via email to or fax to (225) 766-8552


Via asynchronous learning, students can work on as much or as little work at a time. Students are required to finish the LACT Program within 12 months from starting, however students may finish the program in as quickly as 4 months.

Financial Aid

The Office of Behavioral Health has provided funding for the LACT Program students, therefore all tuition is waived except for the Application fee of $185. No further action is required from students. If a students choses to opt out of the OBH Scholarship, some may seek out LRS.

Learn more about accepted Financial Aid below.

Felony Waiver Policy

All applicants who apply to become a CIT will undergo a background check. If you have been convicted of a felony or have a criminal history, this will come up in your background check. Depending on the severity of the crime, the ADRA may not issue you a CIT Status or addiction counselor credential. ADRA has a felony waiver form that can be filled out upon applying to become a CIT. Waivers are circumstantial depending on the severity of the crime, and all debts owed to society must be fulfilled as well (jailtime, community service, restitution, etc.) You can learn more about this in the Felony Waiver Policy. They also have a Felony Waiver Application that they send applicants once they have established that a felony waiver is required to proceed.   The Felony Waiver Policy outlines the requirements the board has established in order to request the felony waiver.  Once the ADRA has received all of the information required for the request, they submit that information to the chairman for review.  He will then approve it or he will request the board to review the felony waiver application packet at the next board meeting for a decision.  They normally recommend the applicant be present during this board review in case the board members have questions to ask the applicant.  This only applies to felony charges

Scholarships and Financial Aid

The LACT Program is a proprietary school.  A proprietary school is a private, non-public business enterprise owned by one person, a partnership, a limited liability company, or a corporation that sells vocational/occupational courses of instruction, exceeding twenty (20) clock hours in length, to the general public for the purpose of training or preparing person for gainful employment. Unfortunately, the LACT Program has not yet been approved for a title IV, therefore we do NOT accept ANY FEDERAL FINANCIAL AID. The only scholarships we accept are listed below:

Louisiana Rehabilitation Services

To Qualify: LRS encourages anyone with a physical or mental impairment that substantially impedes their ability to obtain, maintain, or advance in employment to apply for services.

Louisiana Rehabilitation Services (LRS) of the Louisiana Workforce Commissions has more resources than our OBH scholarship.  It may take a few weeks to get an appointment with an LRS Counselor. If you decide to pursue that possibility, we recommend that you contact the office in your area as soon as possible. Your counselor may request an acceptance letter from the LACT Program. They may also request a breakdown of LACT Tuition cost.

To Apply: Download the two-page document which you should print and to take to your LRS counselor if you decide to pursue this aid. Visit the LRS website to make an account and get a counselor.

Betty Breen Educational Foundation

To Qualify: The applicant must be registered as a Counselor in Training (CIT) with ADRA or actively working towards becoming a CIT.

Promising students are awarded up to $1000.00 which can be used for LASACT continuing education at the annual conference, and to pay for other necessary items on the certification checklist. Betty Breen does not pay for the LACT Application Fee. Betty Breen has limited funds available, and is available on a first come first served basis. Pursing Betty Breen in the past was a popular option, however more scholarship opportunities have arisen.

To Apply:
Download the application form and return to a Betty Breen Representative as listed on the form.

Peer Recovery Support
Specialists Education

Peers are individuals with lived experience in recovery from substance use, mental health, or cooccurring challenges. They use their recovery experience to provide support and hope to individuals working through their own recovery. While non-certified and IC&RC Certified Peers both use lived experience to guide individuals through the recovery process, only IC&RC Certified Peers are equipped with a scope of practiceand peer core competencies. Start your journey today!

Need some extra CEU's?

Peers are individuals with lived experience in recovery from substance use, mental health, or cooccurring challenges. They use their recovery experience to provide support and hope to individuals working through their own recovery. While non-certified and IC&RC Certified Peers both use lived experience to guide individuals through the recovery process, only IC&RC Certified Peers are equipped with a scope of practiceand peer core competencies. Start your journey today!

Former LACT program Director
Donate in Danna's Honor